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MGPro Part 12 Superfast Angles /Lines & Triangles

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Activities of the MGPro Program.

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30 Lessons

Maths Genius Activities

231. Identify 2D Shapes – review
232. Identify 3D shapes review
233. Identify number of corners or vertices in these 3D shapes
234. Identify number of edges on these 3D shapes fast
235. Identify number of faces on these 3D shapes
236. Identify the name of angles
237. Identify the value of the angle
238. Identify angle value given the nature of angles
239. Identify the angle between two arms of the clock – day 1
240. Identify the angle between two arms of the clock – day 2
241. Compass bearings and angles – type 1
242. Compass bearings and angles – type 2
243. Identify angle pair names
244. Identify the value of the angle in parallel and transversal lines
245. Identify Triangle Type
246. Find the given angle of a triangle – day 1
247. Find the angle of a triangle – day 2
248. Find the area of a triangle
249. Find the base of the triangle
250. Find the height of the triangle
251. Find the hypotenuse of the right angle triangle
252. Find the base or height of a right angled triangle
253. Find the missing popular Pythagorean triple
254, Find perimeter given hypotenuse and base or height of a triangle
255, Find Area given hypotenuse and base or height of a triangle
256. Review week – 2D, 3D Shapes, edges, vertices
257. Review week – Lines and Angles
258. Review week – Area of Triangles
259. Review week – Right Triangles
260. Review week – Lines, Angles and Triangles

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