
You have successfully booked the demo class. Please check your email for the link and other details.

Please note that due to very high demand, it is not possible to reschedule a demo class. kindly ensure that you attend the class and log in 5 minutes before the scheduled time.


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What Do Parents Say About Vedx Classes?

“ The little monkey of mine
went from not being confident with numbers to zipping it through just in few weeks! Prof Ved, we can not thank you enough for installing such confidence in her & making her love math!”
Radha Ramanan
San Jose, CA
“ Prof Ved got him (my kid) to think about stuff that a normal mind might not think about. Prof Ved does an amazing job in interacting with kids. I never expected my kid to be so happy!
Akhil Bharadwaj
Amsterdam, Netherlands

“ I think the magic of Super memory course is this whole system, nicely
designed interesting questions, asking students to make videos,
giving great feedback.

It creates a positive spiral of confidence, enjoyment & extra effort in your students.
Dr Ninad
CEO, Innerlabs,

What do VEDX students say?